Cameron Golden


Artificial Intelligence , API's , Robotics , FDM Printing


Languages and Frameworks: JavasScript, NodeJs, Python, Java, TypeScript, HTML

Toolsets/OS: Windows 10/11, Ubuntu, Git/GitHub, IntelliJ


Texas Tech University , Lubbock, TX

B.S., Computer Science (expected Spring, 2027)

2023 - Present


Closing Manager, Shady Brook Farm

Indoor & Outdoor Closing Manager for Retail and Event Operations

  • Responsible for leading the closing shift, and evening events
  • carry out closing tasks, including reconciling bank deposits and preparing opening balances for opening staff.

2021 - Present


WebMaster, Boy Scouts of America Troop 46

Lead webmaster for BSA Troop 46

  • Maintain and update website with current information and events
  • Updating plugins, security updates, etc.

2019 - 2023

Team Captian, Pennsbury High School SeaFalcons

Team Captain for my high school SeaPerch team.

  • Lead a small team directly responsible for 3D Modeling and manufactuing of parts for our competition ROV.
  • Coordinating and communicating with other captains to ensure all aspects, from design, to travel between competitions goes smoothly and efficently.

2022 - 2023


Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America

The highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America program. I exceeded the requirements by earning 35 merit badges, fulfilling multiple leadership roles, and complete a comprehensive service project in my community.


Make a Splash & Wildcard Award, Greater Philadelphia Sea Perch Challenge

My team won the Make a Splash and wildcard awards, Allowing us to advance to the international competition level.


Sportsmanship Award, International Sea Perch Challenge

My team won the Sportmanship Award for 'A commitment to fair play, ethical behavior and integrity, and general goodwill towards others'.



Available upon request